Our Family History

The Genealogy of Robert and Christina Barritt

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Elisabeth /VON PEILE genannt PFEIL PIEHL

Female Abt 1585 - Aft 1642  (> 57 years)

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   Date  Event(s)
  • Jun 1588: England - Spanish Armada - 60,000 troops, 30,000 sailors, 77,000 tons of shipping - sails against England, battle lasts one week, decimated by English then by gales
  • 1589: England - William Lee develops the first knitting machine.
  • 1589: France - Catherine de Medici, wife of King Henry II of France died.She is sometimes called the 'mother of French haute cuisine' because the Italian chefs she brought with her from Florence had a strong influence on the development of French cuisine. One of the things they brought with them was ice cream.
  • 1592: England - Plague in London and provincial towns
  • 1593: Italy - Galileo invents a water thermometer.
  • 9 Aug 1593: England - Izaak Walton was born. He is mainly known for The Compleat Angler, or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation, which is one of the most frequently published books in English literature. It is a literary discourse on the pleasures of fishing.
10 1596 
11 1597 
12 1600 
  • 1600: England - William Gilbert, in De Magnete, held that the earth behaves like a giant magnet with its poles near the geographic poles. He coined the word electrica (from the Greek word for amber, elektron), and distinguished electricity from magnetism.
  • 1600: London, England - Population of London about 200,000
  • 1600: Sicily - The blood orange is believed to have developed by natural mutation
  • 1600: England - The British East India Company was incorporated by royal charter. It was created to compete in the East Indian spice trade.
13 1601 
  • 1601: England - Poor Law Act passed, prompted by three successive poor harvests resulting in demonstrations by starving peasants; codifies previous measures, differentiates between able-bodied and weak unemployed; town councils began to tax citizens to pay for alms
  • 1601: England - Essex attempts rebellion, and is executed
14 1602 
15 1603 
16 1604 
17 1605 
18 1606 
19 1607 
20 1608 
21 1609 
22 1610 
  • 1610: Kracow, Poland - Community Regulations of stated that bagels were to be given as a gift to women in childbirth.
23 1611 
  • 1611: England - James I's authorized version of the Bible is completed; English and Scottish Protestant colonists settle in Ulster
24 1612 
25 1614 
26 1615 
  • 1615: England - The first tea is imported to the west
  • 1615: Japan- Furuta Oribe died. His original name was Furuta Shigenari. He was a Japanese master of the tea ceremony who studied under Sen Riky. His ideas influenced the tea ceremony, teahouse architecture, tea-garden landscaping and even flower arrangement.
27 1616 
28 1617 
  • 1617: England - The first one way streets were established in London. Seventeen one way streets were created to regulate 'disorder and rude behaviour of Carmen, Draymen, and others using Cartes'.
29 1618 
30 1620 
31 1621 
32 1622 
  • 1622: England - James I dissolves Parliament for asserting its right to debate foreign affairs
  • 1622: England - Weekly News, first English newspaper, published.
  • 1622: England - Commission to enquire into decline of woollen trade
33 1623 
34 1624 
35 1625 
36 1626 
  • 1626: England - Francis Bacon died. An English statesman, philosopher and author of Novum Organum, a work on scientific inquiry, he died after having stuffing a dressed chicken with snow to see how long the flesh could be preserved by the extreme cold. He caught cold and died from complications about a month later.
  • 1626: England - A large Codfish, split open at a Cambridge market, is found to contain a copy of a book of religious treatises by John Frith.
37 1627 
  • 1627: England - William Harvey was able to confirm his observation that the blood circulates throughout the body, which he inferred from the structure of the venal valves. The following year, in Exercitatio Anatomica, he published these conclusions as well as a description of the heart as a mechanical pump.
  • 1627: Warsaw, Poland - The last known living ancestor of all modern domestic cattle (the aurochs) was killed by a poacher
  • 1627: England - John Ray (Wray) was born. A leading 17th century English naturalist and botanist. He contributed to the advancement of taxonomy, and established the species as the basic unit of taxonomy.
38 1628 
39 1629 
40 1630 
41 1633 
  • 1633: America - Connecticut settled; Maryland founded by George Calvert, 1st Baron Baltimore
  • 1633: England - Bananas were supposedly displayed in the shop window of merchant Thomas Johnson. This was the first time the banana had ever been seen in Great Britain. It would be more than 200 years before they were regularly imported. In 1999 remains of a banana were found at a Tudor archaeological site on the banks of the River Thames. This would seem to date it 150 years earlier than Thomas Johnson's banana. A classic food mystery!
  • 1633: Rome, Italy - Galileo was forced by the Inquisition in Rome to renounce his theory that the Earth revolved around the Sun.
  • 3 Nov 1633: Italy - Bernardino Ramazzini was born. A physician, he was the first to note the relationship between worker's illnesses and their work environment. Considered the founder of occupational medicine.
42 1634 
  • 1634: Boston, Massachusetts - Samuel Cole supposedly opened the first tavern in the U.S.A.
43 1636 
  • 1636: England - Tulip mania begins and ceases the following year in a precursor of the 2000 dot-com crash
  • 1636: England - Mild outbreak of Black Death
  • 1636: England - W. Gascoigne invents the micrometer.
  • 1636: America - The Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony established Harvard College (New College), the first college in the Americas.
44 1637 
45 1638 
46 1639 
47 1640 
48 1641 
49 1642