Our Family History

The Genealogy of Robert and Christina Barritt

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Male 1888 -

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1890: UK - Starting this decade, women's clothing becomes less voluminous, lawn tennis takes place of croquet as means of meeting opposite sex, bicycle becomes fashionable
  • 1893: USA - Whitcomb L. Judson invented the zip to help a friend with a stiff back who could not bend over to do up his shoes
  • 1893: UK - Second Irish Home Rule Bill fails to pass the House of Lords
  • 1893: New Zealand - First nation to grant women the right to vote
  • 1893: France - Car number plates introduced
  • 1893: USA - Grover Cleveland president of the USA 1893-1897.
  • 1894: UK - Rosebery takes power with his minority Liberal government
  • 1895: UK - Oscar Wilde jailed for homosexuality
  • 1895: UK - Guglielmo Marconi sent longwave wireless telegraphic, or radio, signals over a distance of more than a mile
  • 1895: UK - Salisbury forms his third Unionist ministry
  • 1895: USA - Kellogg's Corn Flakes go on sale
  • 1895: France - Lumiere Brothers invent a portable motion-picture camera, film processing unit and projector called the Cinematographe. The Lumiere Brothers using their Cinematographe are the first to present a projected motion picture to an audience of more that one person.
10 1897 
11 1898 
12 1899 
13 1900 
14 1901 
15 1902 
16 1903 
17 1904 
18 1905 
19 1906 
20 1907 
21 1908 
22 1909 
23 1910 
24 1911 
25 1912 
  • 1912: North Sea - The Sinking of the Titanic: 1,515 people lose their lives.
  • 1912: UK - Parachutes Invented
  • 1912: UK - Piltdown Man, the 'Missing Link,' Discovered but later revealed as a fraud
  • 1912: SOS Accepted as Universal Distress Signal
  • 1912: UK - Motorized movie cameras invented, and replaced hand-cranked cameras.
  • 1912: UK - The first tank patented by Australian inventor De La Mole.
  • 1912: USA - Clarence Crane created Life Savers candy
26 1913 
  • 1913: USA - Leo Baekeland invented a plastic laminate, known as Bakelite, and later as Formica
  • 1913: Detroit, MI, USA - First assembly line introduced in Ford automobile factory
  • 1913: New York, NY, USA - The Armory Show, an international display of some 1600 works of modern art, and one of the more important U.S. art exhibitions ever held, opens at the 69th-regiment armory. It arouses public curiosity, generates sensational news coverage, and helps change the direction of American art
  • 1913: USA - Personal Income Tax introduced
  • 1913: Washington, DC, USA - Woodrow Wilson president 1913-1921.
  • 1913: UK - The crossword puzzle was invented by Arthur Wynne.
  • 1913: USA - The Merck Chemical Company patented what is now known as ecstasy.
  • 1913: USA - Mary Phelps Jacob invents the bra
  • 1913: USA - Gideon Sundback invents the modern zipper.
27 1914 
28 1915 
29 1916 
30 1917 
31 1918 
  • 1918: UK - Influenza Epidemic
  • 1918: Russia - Czar Nicholas II and his family are killed
  • 1918: UK - Summer:Great Influenza Epidemic begins, reaches height end of year, new outbreak first quarter of 1919: England and Wales lose 150,000 (15,000 in London alone)
  • 1918: UK - Final casualties for World War I - almost 1 million British Empire men killed, about 3 million maimed (744,000 killed are from UK)
  • 1918: UK - Women over 30 given the vote (complete voting equality with men comes in 1928), all men over 21 (except peers, lunatics and felons) given vote
  • 1918: UK - Consumer purchasing power now about 1/3 of what it was in 1914
  • 1918: USA - Charles Jung invented fortune cookies.
  • 1918: UK - Police strikes this year and the next
  • 9 Nov 1918: Europe - Kaiser abdicates, peace signed two days later at Treaty of Versailles, ending World War I
32 1919 
33 1920 
34 1921 
35 1922 
36 1923 
37 1924 
38 1925 
39 1926 
40 1927 
41 1928 
42 1929 
43 1930 
44 1931 
45 1932 
46 1933 
47 1934 
48 1935 
49 1936 
50 1937 
51 1938 
52 1939 
53 1940 
54 1941 
55 1942 
56 1943 
57 1944 
  • 1944: France - D-Day landings
  • 1944: France - First German V1 and V2 Rockets Fired
  • 1944: Berlin, Germany - Hitler Escapes Assassination Attempt
  • 1944: USA - The kidney dialysis machine invented by Willem Kolff.
  • 1944: USA - Synthetic cortisone invented by Percy Lavon Julian.
58 1945 
59 1946 
60 1947 
61 1948 
62 1949 
63 1950 
64 1951 
65 1952 
66 1953 
67 1954 
68 1955 
69 1956 
70 1957 
71 1958 
72 1959 
73 1960 
74 1961 
75 1962 
76 1963 
77 1964 
78 1965 
79 1966 
80 1967 
81 1968 
82 1969 
83 1970 
84 1971 
85 1972 
86 1973 
87 1974 
88 1975 
89 1976 
90 1977 
91 1978 
92 1979 
93 1980 
94 1981 
95 1982 
96 1983 
97 1984 
98 1985 
99 1986 
100 1987 
101 1988 
102 1989 
103 1990 
104 1991 
105 1992 
  • 1992: Waco, TX, USA - Cult Compound in Waco, Texas Raided
106 1993 
107 1994 
108 1995 
109 1996 
110 1997 
111 1998 
  • 1998: UK - Titanic Most Successful Movie Ever
  • 1998: USA - U.S. President Clinton Impeached
  • 1998: USA - Viagra on the Market
  • 1998: Europe - The Euro the New European Currency